Home » Trending » US Secretary Pompeo Says ‘China Will Have To Pay A Price For Not Sharing The Information They Had And Causing A Global Challenge’

US Secretary Pompeo Says ‘China Will Have To Pay A Price For Not Sharing The Information They Had And Causing A Global Challenge’

The United States currently has a death toll of nearly 50,000 arising from the global Covid-19 pandemic. Lots of countries including the US has blamed China for lack of transparency in handling the outbreak. In an interview with fox news on Thursday, US Secretary Pompeo said “I am very confident that the Chinese communist party will pay a price for what they did here, certainly from the United States”. The Secretary also made it clear that even president Trump blames China for the outbreak. The Secretary also said that China’s reaction to the virus caused an “enormous amount of pain” by simply not passing the information around on time. He said “China caused an enormous amount of pain, loss of life and now a huge challenge for the global economy”.

Pompeo also expressed worry about the covid-19 pandemic “I’m still concerned there are things we don’t know”. The Secretary further said that the US administration is working towards battling the virus as that is the major priority for now. According to the Secretary the United States is trying to make sure they are no longer dependent on China for pharmaceutical equipments. China has been accused by the US of causing a very huge challenge for economies and also said Americans know that the problem originated in Wuhan, China. The United States has not only blamed China but also the World Health Organization for been to lenient with China despite the fact that the virus originated there and made a decision to stop funding them under the accusations of Misusing the funds. US main concern is making sure Americans are safe, health risks are taken down and the economy is back to normal.

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