Comedian and actor Krushna Abhishek are having a dispute with his maternal uncle Govinda. Mama Govinda is very angry with his nephew Krushna. Krushna wants his maternal uncle Govinda and aunt Sunita to forgive him. Krushna says that he has apologized to Mama and Mami many times, but they are not forgiving him. Recently, Govinda and Sunita were seen in Kapil Sharma’s show. Talking to reporters after this show, Krushna’s maternal aunt Sunita had said something that hurt Krushna.
Let us tell you that Sunita had said that three years ago I had said that this matter will not be resolved as long as I am alive. You cannot insult or humiliate anyone in the name of family. We raised them and we didn’t keep them like that. What more can I say, this matter is never going to be resolved and I never want to see his face again. According to Spotboye’s report, Krushna, frustrated with these words of aunt Sunita, said that I know that my maternal aunt has spoken a lot against me.
Krushna said that of course, I am very sad about this thing, but now I realize that he is very angry, because those people (mama-Mami) are angry with me. It was something filmy that ‘I don’t want to see his face again. Someone is angry with you only when he loves you. Krushna says that he has apologized to his maternal uncle not once but many times, but they are not forgiving him.
According to the report, Krushna further said that I know that he loves me very much, otherwise why would he be so angry with me? These words can be uttered only by a mother or a father when he is angry with his children. I can write this to you. I love my uncle and maternal uncle very much. I tried many times to get his apology, but he is not accepting my apology and herein lies the problem.
The comedian further said that I do not know why they do not want to forgive me, that too when I am like their child. I have said many times in many interviews that we will settle the matter and he also said so, but we are still standing at the same place. In the end, Krushna said that I love my maternal uncle and maternal uncle very much. His anger is bothering me. I am sad inside. I have been troubled by this. Those people are like my parents.
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