Samantha Prabhu, who starred in the famous song ‘OO Antava’ from the movie ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ recently revealed that she was suggested not to act in the song. She said that the song was offered to her in the middle of her divorce from her ex-husband Naga Chaitanya. Hence her friends and family told her to reject the offer as doing an item song just after her divorce is not good.
In an interview with a leading entertainment portal, Samantha recalled how she did not want to hide away during her divorce proceedings. She said, “When I got offered Oo Antava, it was in the middle of the separation (from Chaitanya). After the announcement came, every well-wisher and every family member was like. You will sit at home. You will not do an item song just when you officially announced the separation. Even my friends, who always encouraged me to challenge myself, told me, Do not do an item song. But I was like, Ok, I am doing it.”
She also said, “I just thought, Why should I hide?’ I did not do anything wrong. I was not going to wait for all of the trolling, abuse, and hate to go away and slowly creep back in like someone who committed a crime. I was not going to do that. I gave my marriage 100 per cent, but it did not work out. But, I was not going to beat myself up and feel guilty for something I did not do.”
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