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A 113-year-old woman in Spain survives Covid19

Maria Branyas, a 113-year-old who is believed to be the oldest person living in Spain. Maria who beat the virus in a retirement home, a place where other residents had died from the virus. The woman became infected in April at a care home in the Eastern city of Olot, at the Santa Maria del Tura and battled the virus in isolation in her room. In a Tweet made by her daughter “Now that she is well, she is wonderful, she wants to speak, to explain, to make her reflections, it’s her again”. Ms Branyas has three children, 11 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren, she was born in San Francisco in 1907 but moved back to Spain in 1915. After Maria was declared the oldest living person in Spain, her daughter started to manage a Twitter account in her name. It is known that people between the ages of 65 and older are at a huge risk of the virus as well as people with Obesity, Diabetes, Heart conditions and Liver disease.

There are about 228,030 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Spain and 26,920 deaths. A spokeswoman for the care home where Maria is said “She survived the disease and is doing fine”, while also adding that she had only mild symptoms. According to Catalina Regional Television TV3, Branyas was isolated with only a single employee in protective gear allowed to check up on her. Branyas has lived through the Spanish flu pandemic, Spain’s civil war and World War2. There are other Centenarians who have survived the Covid19 pandemic like a 103-year-old woman from Wuhan, A 104-year-old woman from America and a 107-year-old Dutch woman. Reports confirm that besides testing positive for coronavirus Maria’s health issues generally good apart from losing a bit of her hearing and a majority of her vision.

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