A 20- day old baby boy in Kalyan town of Maharashtra’s Thane district has tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday. On that day, six people, including the boy were tested positive in Kalyan Dombivli Municipal limits. That sums up to 162 patients, including three deaths, said Dr Raju Lawangare, medical officer of health at the KDMC.
The infant baby’s mother was already tested positive and is being treated at a hospital, he informed. The six new COVID-19 patients include two workers of the APMC market in Vashi, a health department worker and an employee of a private hospital in Mumbai.
On Wednesday, the KDMC set up a dashboard to provide real-time feed on the COVID-19 status in the civic limits. The dashboard created under the leadership of municipal commissioner Dr Vijay Suryavanshi will give latest real-time feeds about COVID-19 cases, public relations officer of the KDMC Madhi Phophle said.