Home » Trending » A study proved that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective against Covid-19

A study proved that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective against Covid-19

A recently study found that hydroxychloroquine is not effective for the treatment of this deadly disease coronavirus. It has shown no significant difference health outcomes between the control group and patients who already experienced this drug.
There were total thirty patients who were tested positive were participated in this trial. Out of which fifteen were tested with 400mg of chloroquine for 5 days and fifteen received extra care. A week later, the result shows that there was no significant difference in both the group.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease told that “The data are really just, at best, suggestive. There have been cases that show there are may be an effect and there are others to show there’s no effect. So, I think, in terms of science, I don’t think we could definitely say it works”.

As Covid-19 spreads throughout the country, doctors and health workers are struggling to help the infected for the treatment. In this situation, drug like hydroxychloroquine bring more stress and pressure on this doctors and health workers.

At Tuesday, America’s white house briefing, Dr Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, described the study and it adds “what F.D.A will require is data from randomized clinical trials.”
Dr Stephen Hahn also said, “This is something a doctor would need to consider in the decision to write a prescription for this drug hydroxychloroquine.”

The development of therapeutic antiviral drugs that treat infection and prophylactic antiviral drug that prevent infection. In SARS and MERS outbreaks, a number of highly promising drugs are emerged, though none of them were brought to fulfillment due to lack of funding and intertest in coronavirus.

Now, with funding and interest this drug are moving quickly for the test in clinics and labs. Recently, a small trial was held to see whether lopinavir-ritonavir this is a combination of HIV treatment, can cure or clear the immune system from this disease call coronavirus. But, it turns out that this is not the solution because this combination failed.

There was a second trial in China’s Shanghai laboratory on hydroxychloroquine study is also critical. Medical solution is promising but they are no guarantee. It is soon for us to abandon more aggressive actions which can be implanted and effectively to slow the spread of Covid-19 in the world.

India, who manufactured 70 per cent of the world’s supply of hydroxychloroquine. President of United States of America ask for the help of the supply of this anti-malaria drug from PM Narendra Modi.

Those who don’t know what hydroxychloroquine is a medication used to prevent and treat malaria in areas where malaria remains sensitive to chloroquine.
There was a little hope that this drug will help to clean the immune system from this deadly disease coronavirus. But now many doctors and scientist did a small test which shows that this is not so effective to help the patient suffering from this covid-19.
Coronavirus is spreading badly all over world. There are total 2,579,894 cases, out of which 705,093 are recovered and 179,059 are death.

Right now the most infected country from coronavirus is United States, which has total 819,321 cases, out of which 45,355 are death. After United States, Spain is on number second. 208,389 cases are there in Spain out of which 21,717 are death.
India crossed 20,982 cases, out of which 652 are death. The most infected state in India is Maharashtra with 5,221 positive cases and 251 deaths.

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