Home » Trending » A study showed that Covid19 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine suffered cardiac abnormalities

A study showed that Covid19 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine suffered cardiac abnormalities

Hydroxychloroquine, originally used to cure malaria has been in news for some time now, for being trialled against Corona in many countries of the world. The drug, also known as Plaquenil was promoted by Trump. Scientists believed that it helps the patients to control their immunity and helps the infection from getting to worse. WHO is coordinating a trial named ‘Solidarity’ where this drug is being tested.

Recently a clinical trial had to be cancelled in Brazil because patients had started developing heart rhythm problems and now a recent study was done across China, in cities like Wuhan and Hubei where 75 patients who were given the drug were compared 75 who weren’t given the drug. All of them had were given the medication for 2-3 weeks depending on the severity and all were tested 28 days after the diagnosis and according to the results the recovery rate remained almost the same, however, the patients taking the medicine appeared to develop milder symptoms and the count of their White Blood Cells and C-reactive protein recovered faster.

Another fact to be noted is that most of the patients having corona, eventually develop some kind of heart problems, so this combined with hydroxychloroquine’s potential to trigger heart arrhythmias may be dangerous.
Some scientists have suggested that giving a lower dose of 400mg on the first few days and 200mg on subsequent days could reduce the risk of cardiac problems. However, nothing can be concluded unless and until the researches get recognition from professional institutions as well.

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