On Wednesday, Ishaan Khatter shared the first look of his upcoming movie, Pippa. Taking to Instagram, Ishaan shared a poster in which he was seen operating a battle tank. Ishaan is seen dressed in a military uniform in the picture. Sharing the first look, Ishaan wrote in the caption, “This is going to be special. ‘Shooting’ begins for our #Pippa! Godspeed.” Reacting to the post, Katrina Kaif wrote, “So exciting“. Neha Dhupia dropped fire emoticons and Zoya Akhtar dropped raising hands emoji.
Ishaan’s brother, actor Shahid Kapoor wrote, “Ohooooo looking good.” Shahid also shared Ishaan’s look on his Instagram story and wrote, “Superly excited to share the first look of Ishaan as #BrigedierBalramSinghMehta. #Pippa commences shoot today. Best wishes to the team.”
Showing her support, Ishaan’s rumoured girlfriend, actress Ananya Panday dropped a comment saying, “Full power”. She also shared his look on her Instagram story and captioned, “GOOD LUCK TEAM PIPPA, can’t wait for the magic.” Ishaan and Ananya starred together in Khaali Peeli. The duo won hearts with their chemistry in the film. They are rumoured to be dating each other. For the uninitiated, Ishaan and Ananya celebrated New Year together. The duo’s pictures from their vacation created a huge buzz online
Pippa will be produced by RSVP and Roy Kapur Films. Talking about the film, producer Ronnie Screwvala of RSVP said in a statement: “I’m happy that we’ve begun shooting for Pippa with Brigadier Balram Singh Mehta clapping the inaugural slate. Kicking off the schedule on such a positive note ensures a steady momentum throughout the course of the production. We’re raring to go with a brilliant ensemble cast and filmmaker Raja Krishna Menon, who has a savvy eye for war films.”
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