Home » Entertainment » Milind Soman and his 81 year old mother skipping rope together. This quarantine workout video you can’t miss

Milind Soman and his 81 year old mother skipping rope together. This quarantine workout video you can’t miss

On the Coronavirus outbreak, Milind Soman, the package of entertainment, learn skipping from his mother Usha Soman . The swimmer, model, film producer as well as actor gets the drive and energy to run miles from his mother.
Recently, he has shared a new activity i.e. skipping, that he has learned from his mother during this quarantine days and posted it on his social handles.

In the slow-motion video, the mother-son duo can be seen skipping together barefoot on the terrace as AR Rahman’s song Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire was playing in the background.


The family has currently redesigned their fitness routine around their house, sometimes on the terrace, sometimes inside their house.

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