Home » Trending » Andhra Pradesh govt deploys I-Masq buses for speedy testing in the state.

Andhra Pradesh govt deploys I-Masq buses for speedy testing in the state.

New technology is installed by Andhra Pradesh govt. “Intelligent monitoring analysis service quarantine I-Masq buses”.
I-MASQ buses are installed at Vijayawada and planned to installed it on other highly consumed area.

As after the domestic flight service has started 100 of passengers are entering Vijayawada by flights and train.

Its necessary to test every single passenger and its really a task for the authority to handle the crowd and test everyone I-MASQ buses is really a great technology.

Each bus has 10 counters, with 3 Doctors. One collect the sample and other two collect the personal detail of the patient, patient need not to enter in the bus this whole process hardly take 10 minutes.

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