Recently Son of Shahrukh Khan, Aryan Khan was arrested in matters of drug dealing. The investigations are at their pace, Aryan Khan is being continuously questioned by Narcotics Control Bureau, NCB. Aryan has reportedly told the Narcotics Control Bureau, investigation team, that his father or superstar Shah Rukh Khan remains so busy that periodically he needs an appointment just to meet him.
Amidst this Shahrukh Khan had to take the NCB’s permission for a brief meet with his son in the agency lock-up, when the 24-year-old Aryan cried before his celeb dad, though eventually, it has come up that no drugs were recovered from him. Aryan along with at least ten others was arrested on Sunday in the NCB’s first-ever raid on a luxury ship Cordelia Cruises, as it was preparing to lift anchor for a fun-filled two-night trip to Goa with around 1,300 wealthy passengers on board.
There was detention for several hours, after their subsequent arrest and they are now in NCB’s custody till October 7, there has been supporting and concerns from Bollywood friend circles on Aryan’s well-being inside the unpleasant and inhospitable agency lockup.
Also Read | No drugs were found on Aryan Khan, he was just a guest: lawyer at court
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