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As The US Death Toll Goes Up To 40 Thousand, Governors Advise Trump Not To Reopen US Economy

In the United States, president Trump had announced his decision to reopen the country’s economy which has been kicked against by some of his governors. The current death toll in the US has increased up to 40 thousand and the governors are worried that if the economy reopens the number of cases may become relatively high. Although during the past weekend several states had begun to ease restrictions, strict social distancing and sanitization must be followed. The president urged the governors to reopen the economy despite the death toll, besides the World Health Organization has also kicked against it initially.

Public health expert in the US has warned that they will be need for increasingly growth in testing in the country for it to get back to normal. The president said “we are not opening all at once, but one careful star at a time”. In some states restaurants, bars and movies theaters will be allowed to open under certain conditions at least by 1 May. The president told the governors that they will be handling the process of opening up the economy themselves with help from the federal government and themed it “opening up America again”. President Trump added that a delayed lockdown could inflict serious damage to public health.

The opening up of the economy has a guidance document that has been classified into three phrases. The first phase includes avoiding non essential travels but permits large venues like Churches, Cinema, Restaurants and Sports venues to operate under strict social distancing. The second phase permits schools to reopen as well as Bars with standing room occupancy. The third phase allows visits to the Hospitals and allows public interaction. While some governors have agreed like the governors of Minnesota, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana, others like Governor Andrew Cuomo if New York have insisted that his state will remain on lockdown till May 15

The president who recently questioned China on whether the virus was a mistake or intentionally spread has come under backlash as there is shortage of testing equipment in the country. Protesters have also joined in demanding an end to the stay at home restrictions. The president also supported the protesters by adding that the governors have taken the restrictions too far.

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