Home » Trending » Donald Trump Warns China To Beware Of The Consequences If They Are Found “Knowingly Responsible” For Spreading Coronavirus

Donald Trump Warns China To Beware Of The Consequences If They Are Found “Knowingly Responsible” For Spreading Coronavirus

The president of the United States of America, Donald Trump has warned that China should face consequences if found out that the country is “knowingly responsible” for spreading the Covid19 pandemic. The president went further to question them on if the outbreak was intentional or “a mistake that got out of control”. Trump spoke about the cordial relationship he had with China until the outbreak took over.

In a daily White house briefing president Trump said “it could have been stopped in China before it started but it wasn’t”, before adding that the whole world is now suffering for that. Also adding that “if it had been a mistake , an error could also be a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, I mean, then sure there should be consequences”. The global pandemic started in Wuhan, China in December, 2019 and currently million have died from the virus world wide. Mr. Trump also highlighted that when the virus broke out initially Washington offered to help China but they refused adding that “I think they knew it was something bad and they were embarrassed.”

Meanwhile in Wuhan, the director of a maximum security laboratory in the coronavirus ground-zero city has debunked the claims of President Trump that they are the cause of the virus saying its “impossible”. The director Yuan Zhiming, said “there was no way the virus came from us”, as Chinese scientists have suggested that the virus likely passed from Animal to human. In the past week Mike Pompeo, US secretary of state have said that “full investigation” are going on as to how the virus got into the world, after rumors suggested that the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory. Although president Trump questions China, he is very careful to not allow that matter get overly heated as the US depends on China for medical equipments and supplies.

The United States have been terribly affected by the global pandemic with a death toll of over 37,000 lives lost and about 728,000 infected cases. Dr. Deborah Brix said that China’s death rate was by far less than that of the US and even other European countries and referred to China’s numbers as “unrealistic”. European countries really hit by the pandemic include Italy, Spain, France while Germany has been applauded for its effective management of the virus. Dr. Brix also thanked the European countries for alerting the US on the seriousness of the virus.

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