Indian film actor, singer, and television anchor took to his Instagram and penned down a beautiful note for his wife. On Tahira Kashyap‘s Birthday, Ayushmann shared a few pictures on Instagram and wrote a beautiful caption recalling the first time he attended Tahira’s birthday party two decades ago. “This day in 2001 was the first time I’d attended your birthday. It was a Sunday and my dad had allowed me to take his car to your party. And out of all your school friends you’d chosen to sit in my car. It was quite overwhelming for me as I was from an all-boys school. Thank you for choosing me. I owe everything to you. Your compassion. Your empathy. Your character. Your sense of humour. Your sense of scripts. You. ❤️ Happy birthday to the best human I know! Umm“
This was followed by a postscript where he apologized for sharing a picture without his wife’s approval because she was sleeping. “P.S – the first one was your latest pic in my phone album. Freshly clicked. Sorry didn’t take your approval before uploading it, since you are sleeping. Thought it looked great.” he noted
On the work front, the actor has been spotted shooting for the upcoming Hindi romantic drama film titled Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui. Tahira Kashyap Khurrana is a Writer and filmmaker. She started her debut with a novel titled “ A Promise… A Story of Love And Deceit” written by her. In 2012, her second book “Souled Out” got published by Pustak Mahal.
Followed by “Cracking the Code: A Journey to Bollywood” co-authored with her husband Ayushmann Khurrana was published by Rupa Publications India in 2015. This is the biography of the actor Ayushmann Khurrana. In 2018, she directed a short film named “Toffee”. In the following year September, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and husband Ayushmann confirmed the news.
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