Home » Trending » Bangladesh reports 31 new positive COVID 19 cases from the ISKCON temple

Bangladesh reports 31 new positive COVID 19 cases from the ISKCON temple

The ISKCON temple in the Bangladeshi capital has announced 31 new coronavirus cases, following which the authorities locked the temple to forestall the spread of the fatal infection. Bangladesh has detailed almost 5,000 COVID-19 cases and 140 passings because of the pandemic coronavirus.

“As many as 31 members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) ashram located in Swamibag area have tested positive for the novel coronavirus,” Gendaria police station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Saju Miah was quoted as saying by the Dhaka Tribune.

The infected have been segregated and are experiencing treatment…We have completely secured the street of the region to keep the infection from spreading, he added.
As indicated by news reports, more than 100 individuals, including priests, authorities and devotees, dwell in the temple.

The sanctuary, which was shut for guests since the first COVID-19 case was accounted in Bangladesh on March 8, was locked on Saturday.
The report said the diseases have perplexed the specialists with respect to how the individuals from the sanctuary, which was shut for outcasts, gotten the destructive infection.

Nobody was permitted into the temple. I don’t see in what way numerous individuals have been contaminated given so much consideration was taken, said the official to one of the media houses in Bangladesh.

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