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Barack Obama comes out as a central figure in the 2020 Presidential election

As the United States prepares for the 2020 Presidential Elections, Barack Obama has emerged as a central figure in the race to the White House.

Obama, who was the 44th U.S President and held office for nearly 8 years is set to become the political wingman of his party member and his vice president for two terms, Joe Biden. One of the most popular members of the Democratic Party, Obama has always held massive public support. He won by popular vote during both of his terms. Since finishing his last term as the U.S. President, Obama took a break
from political limelight for a while to spend some quality time with his family but has chosen to renounce the sidelines as the 2020 Presidential Elections approach.

As for U.S. President, Donald Trump, the coming back of Obama as the key representative of the Democratic Party could actually be an advantage. Trump and his allies are aggressively running anti- Obama campaign having the triple aim of bringing down the support for the Democratic party, tainting Biden’s public image by association and to divert from the adverse conditions of the citizens during the
coronavirus pandemic. The main focus of this anti-Obama campaign seems to be the “unmasking” of a retired general, Michael Flynn. Flynn was under scrutiny for his conversations with the Russian ambassador for sanctions. “Obamagate”, as the Trump government is calling it, had the names of the officials who at any point during 8 November 2016 to 31st January 2017 submitted the request to unmask the identity of Flynn.

Although Trump’s own officials, on Wednesday, pointed out the Obama government followed the proper procedure of “unmasking” Trump is aggressively pursuing this agenda to steal the spotlight from the Democrats and to deviate from the adversities of the pandemic.
Trumps’s non-stop efforts to taint the Democratic Party’s image by probing “Obamagate” has led many to believe that he is ready to pull out all tricks up his sleeve to keep ahold of the Presidential chair. “Its no surprise that the President is erratically lashing out at President Obama, desperate to distract from his own failures as commander in chief that has cost thousands of Americans lose their lives during
this crisis” said Tj Ducklo, a Biden campaign spokesman.

Biden, on the other hand, is hoping to benefit from Obama’s public support and his image as a strong political leader for the United States. Obama, in his Presidential campaign days, also had huge support from the black community of the US which constitutes nearly 14% of the total population. Besides, the close friend that Biden has always been to the former president, he is aiming to restore some of Obama’s legacy through his own actions at the White House, should he win the 2020 elections.

The former President’s role in Biden’s campaign is still undecided as he has avoided overt politics since leaving the White House but he, on rare occasions, has expressed his disapproval of Trump and his policies publically.

In a recent survey conducted by the Mammoth University, Obama held 57% of favourable votes that included 92% Democrats and 19% Republicans. His favourable ratings are higher than both President Trump and Joe Biden who each hold 40% and 41% votes respectively.
As the Democrats and the Republicans gear up to against each other yet again, it remains to be seen what the U.S. population decides in the upcoming Presidential Elections but what can certainly be deduced is that the former African-American President is still popular among the countrymen despite being out of office and political limelight for nearly 4 years now.

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