Home » Trending » Beijing pushes the South China sea Agenda while the world is busy with COVID 19

Beijing pushes the South China sea Agenda while the world is busy with COVID 19

There is a US warship that sailed through the Taiwan strait for the second tie in the month on a routine transit, said the US military on Friday after a couple of hours of Mike Pompeo who is the secretary of the state in the US accused China of taking advantage as the world is focusing on the fight from the COVID 19 pandemic to push its territorial ambitions in south China sea.

Mike Pompeo made a statement that highlighted the strong effort of Bejing to push the
envelope in south China sea where the territorial claims are at conflict with the claims of
Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei.
He made a statement saying that Beijing has been taking advantage of the world’s attention being fixed on the pandemic and stopping others from creating offshore oil and gas projects.

A conference was held on video between the 10 member association of the South East
Nation of Asia that were together to discuss the effects of coronavirus pandemic, here
Pompeo emphasized on the announcement made by China on administrative district over
the land disputes and maritime areas in South China sea and how the Vietnamese fishing
vessel sank earlier this month.

Earlier this month Beijing announced the setting up of 2 districts to administer the islands
and reefs of Paracel Island and to strengthen its claim of sovereignty over the area. since
then china has been claiming the entire South China Sea and the reefs and islands around it.

India has not made any statements on the recent developments of the South China Sea or to Mike Pompeo’s statements. But new Delhi has been going on with the interest in the
development of the regions.

Along with this the ONGC Videsh which is state-run has also engaged itself in oil and gas
productions in the cooperation of Vietnam and is impacted by China’s move.
also, Chinese ships have been accused of invading in the Japanese controlled islets when
the coast guard vessels sailed around for 90 minutes. China has claimed the islets Diaoyu.

The foreign minister of Japan, Toshimitsu Motegi, held a call for invading in the Japanese
controlled islets like this and lodged a protest against the act. Philippines has also filed 2
diplomatic protests with china in the Chinese embassy in manila over violation of
international law and the sovereignty of the Philippines in the west philippine sea.

There has been a dead heat between Chinese and Malaysian vessels over Kuala Lumpur’s
effort to discover energy blocks in its extended continental shelf. Those waters also are
claimed by Vietnam and china that in no time send ships to shadow boats.
The situation had a worse turn on the 16th of April, as the arrival of Chinese surveyor
Hiyang Dizhi 8 that was involved in the dead-end with Vietnam for the offshore block of
Now the dispute has involved 5 nations along with the us and Chinese warships that are
raising risks of direct conflict as the tension keeps on growing.

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