Home » Trending » Trump calls for a safe and gradual opening of the US Economy which is devastated due to pandemic

Trump calls for a safe and gradual opening of the US Economy which is devastated due to pandemic

The pandemic’s effect on the United States has been disastrous. Claiming more than 50K deaths and almost 9Lakh confirmed cases, it is one of the worst-hit countries.
More than 95 percent of the country’s 330 Million population at home due to the lockdown, the President has decided to reopen some safe industries to revive the economical status of the country.

Over 26 Million have reported unemployment in the past few weeks. And according to some studies, the figure is soon going to cross 40 Million.
The World Bank and the IMF( International Monetary Fund ) have predicted a decline in the US Economy in 2020. Thus, President Donald Trump has declared that they are going to open up some industries with proper measures.

“To keep America gaining momentum, every citizen needs to maintain the vigilance, and we all understand that very well we’ve gone over it many, many times this includes practicing good hygiene, maintaining social distance, and the voluntary use of face covering,” he said.

He also made it cleared that there is no chance they are letting down their guard. They will be practicing all the precautions like sanitization, testing, tracing, quarantine. Only the industries safe to open are permitted to boost the economy, from falling.
The Coronavirus in the Nation has seen a decline in the number of cases. The US is making great progress, he said.

Trump also declared that the nation is very close to finding a virus to the virus.
“We are very close to testing… when testing starts it takes a period of time but we will get it done,” he said.
The nation will now be opening some industries.

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