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Bernie Sanders Forgoes U.S. Presidential Race

On Wednesday morning, Senator Bernie Sanders announced his decision to suspend his 2020 presidential campaign. He made this announcement in an all staff conference. His decision is coming as a result of his losses from last month. The senator vows that while the campaign ends the struggle continues. While addressing his supporters he said “Our movement has won the ideological struggles”. He also said the decision of quitting the campaign “has been very difficult and painful”. Senator Sanders has already had already campaigned in 2016 for the presidential race. He is the longest serving independent in the history of congress. In a response to the pandemic he said that the virus “ has exposed for all to see how absurd our current employer based health insurance system is”.

A lot of people have been extremely thankful to Bernie Sanders over the years. One of such people is Heidi Harman who served as a delegate for Sanders at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Another person is Elizabeth Guzman, who on January 20, 2018 was sworn in as delegate in the Virginia house of delegates. Sanders has also mounted efforts on the conservation of renewable energy production.
Sanders has a lot of supporters who have been a driving force in his campaigns. The senator has also pledged to work with Joe Biden to remove Donald Trump in the 2020 elections.

President Trump has also commented on the exit IG senator Sanders. “Bernie Sanders is out! Thank you to Elizabeth Warren. If not for her, Bernie would have won almost every state on super Tuesday”. Also adding that that Sanders should join the Republican party.

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