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BJP Minister Manoj Tiwari breaks the social distancing rules by playing cricket without a mask

Delhi BJP chief minister Manoj Tiwari claimed that he followed all the social distancing norms while playing the game of Cricket so, therefore, he rejected all the allegations which were being imposed on him that he had broken the law and didn’t follow the social distancing norms while playing the game of cricket in Haryana. Also, Manoj Tiwari stated that this cricket game was played following after the central government order allows the reopening of stadiums without the observer.

Asian news international team which is an Indian news agency reported that Manoj Tiwari played the game of cricket at an academy situated in the Sonipat district breaching the social distancing norms and government guidelines at the fourth phase of national lockdown.

So, in regards to this, Manoj Tiwari gives the justification that he was dependable on the government notification which was being issued on May 17’2020 in which it was specified that the sports complex and stadium can be reopened but without allowing the spectators.

As per the notification received from the ministry of home affairs, it was widely interpreted that permission for athletes in the Olympic sports complex to resume the practice was being allowed but without the onlooker but it was not specified that if any sporting activity can be resumed in these facilities without the viewer. Media mentioned that the Manoj Tiwari did not wear the mask while playing the cricket game and it was also seen that he was taking the selfies with other people who were present along with him in the playground.

Moreover, a video was posted in which it was shown that Manoj Tiwari was playing the cricket game at the stadium with other spectators watching him playing the game, however, it was not shown that the video was being shot at the Sonipat game stadium which is still under the question.

It is clearly been shown that BJP leader Manoj Tiwari was pictured breaking the lockdown rules and did not follow the social-distancing guidelines amid the prevailing pandemic virus i.e. Coronavirus. In the picture, it was clearly shown that the Manoj Tiwari did not wear any mask or a face shield which was been made mandatory by the government while playing the cricket at Sheikhpura Unique Cricket Stadium in Sonipat, Haryana and because of this Sonipat Ashutosh Rajan who is the Sub Divisional Magistrate issued a notice to the owner of the stadium on Monday i.e. May 25th’ 2020.

Sub-divisional magistrate of Sonipat specified to the owner of the stadium that Manoj Tiwari was been seen in the picture that he was standing near a small crowd as he was entertaining the surrounded people with his song. So, he told the owner of the stadium that currently the whole world is facing from this severe prevailing pandemic virus and because of this only the government has instructed some orders so that it won’t affect many people but this BJP leader did not follow the rules of the same and because of this only the stadium administration of Sonipat has been come into the questioned.

Currently, the coronavirus cases are rapidly increasing across the country affecting the lives of many people. On Monday i.e. May 25th’2020 the cases of the prevailing pandemic virus have recorded in the increase of the cases around to 6900 in the past 24 hours as per the Union Health Ministry. However, the supporters of Manoj Tiwari told the media that he did not break any rules and regulations as per them. It has been stated that Delhi has been declared as the worst region due to the increase in the number of infectious cases.

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