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Centre identifies these 4 cities as role models for handling the Covid19 outbreak

Centre surveyed and appreciated four cities — Jaipur, Indore, Chennai and Bengaluru. They have been best at preventing the pandemic from moving one step ahead while the government is trying to restart the country’s economy.

A meeting was held between municipal bodies to share their views on effective practices in handling a very high number of positive cases and keeping the mortality rates low. It was figured out Jaipur and Indore metropolitan areas tackled an increasing patients number well and Chennai and Bengaluru in keeping the mortality rates low, which is a big thing when they are big cities.

Many Indian municipalities face challenges like shorter case-doubling time, higher confirmation rates and better mortality rates than the national average while issues like perimeter control of containment zones, mapping of buffer zones and house-to-house surveillance require simpler management.

Indore and Jaipur are doing house to house surveys and tracing the path of the pandemic. Indore has patrolling teams ready. Jaipur has limited the sale of groceries and differentiated the sales in every locality. They ensure regular sanitizing of the areas to hold regularly needed items.

A senior official said that the 2 southern cities had led by example within the treatment of Covid-19 patients. “Both Chennai and Bengaluru have optimized the utilization of ventilators and patient triage or assigning the degree of urgency in cases while handling an outsized number of patients,” said the official. “We have seen some cities where ventilators are used irrationally. But the patient management in southern states, particularly in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, has been far better,” he added.

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