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Chinese top health officials warn the country of Covid19 rebound

As the world crumbles at the hands of the COVID-19 virus, China seems to have miraculously found its path to recovery despite being the origin point of the pandemic.
According to health experts, China continues to face the risk of a relapse as 10 provincial-level regions have recently reported new locally-transmitted coronavirus cases over the last two weeks.

“New cases”

The National Health Commission (NHC) said that three new confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported on Sunday. All three were Chinese arriving from abroad. In addition to this, 13 new asymptomatic cases were reported including two individuals from abroad.
As of recently, there are 962 asymptomatic cases which include 98 from other countries. All these individuals have been kept under medical observation according to the National Health Commission.

“Asymptomatic cases”

These individuals pose a great threat to the recovery journey of the country as they indicate the risk of community transmission before being reported due to a lack of symptoms.

NHC spokesperson Mi Feng said that 10 provincial-level regions have reported new
locally-transmitted cases or asymptomatic cases over the last 14 days, which highlighted that risks of a resurgence and even spread of the epidemic still exist, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

“Easing of lockdown may be fatal”

Due to the flattening of the curve of the infections in the country, there were several relaxations put in place including the opening of offices, businesses and tourist sites in Beijing. Even the infamous Wuhan local wet market which was claimed to be the origin of the virus was allowed to be open. However, due to the existence of cases, public venues such as cinemas and theatres have remained closed for prevention of a sudden boost and new transmission.

“Possible second wave”

Though, as per reports, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases reached 82,880, no
fatalities were reported.
Due to the sudden emergence of asymptomatic cases recently, health officials have warned the government authorities of a relapse that is waiting to happen if precautions are not undertaken as soon as possible. The risk from asymptomatic carriers is greater as they don’t exhibit any symptoms and are often unaware of being infected. These individuals pose a great threat as they are likely to infect several others before getting tested.

These asymptomatic carriers are a major concern as they point towards a possible second the wave that is likely to appear in the next few months.

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