Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister, Shivraj Singh Chouhan who was on July 25 hospitalized after being tested positive for the coronavirus chairs the cabinet meeting virtually from his Chirayu hospital bed at 11 am of Tuesday. “All ministers will attend the meeting from their homes while Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will chair it from Chirayu Hospital,” Medical Education Minister Vishwas Saran explains.
The said cabinet meeting with the help of video conferencing is being said to be the first virtual cabinet meeting in the country. The MP Department of IT has made all necessary and special system for CM at the hospital. Cabinet Arvind Bhadoria who is also a Covid positive from the same hospital as Chouhan participated the cabinet meeting from his bed.
“Since I am COVID positive, I’ve been washing my clothes myself. This has benefitted me a lot. Even after several physiotherapy sessions, I wasn’t able to clench my fist as my hand was recently operated on, but now it is perfectly fine,” Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan says. “For effectively curtailing the COVID-19 spread, it is extremely important to seek the cooperation of public and social service institutions”, he added.