Home » Trending » Committee headed by VC’s asks UGC to take online exams if possible or offline exams post lockdown

Committee headed by VC’s asks UGC to take online exams if possible or offline exams post lockdown


As there was the national wide lockdown, all the schools and colleges are postponed. Many educational institutions are not yet kept the exams which affect many students. Their final semester ranks their total percentage which is required for their further studies. Students waited to complete lockdown but it has been extended, it was the big sock among the students. A public examination is also stopped. There were many queries among the students and the government are struggling to solve the problem.

“Discomfort among students”

Online or offline exams will have several disadvantages among the students. The government should have considered among the comfort of the students. Many of the youngsters are suffering from eye defence. Nowadays, many students have the inconvenience of using electronic devices. In this case, it will be very difficult for some students. The announcement should be authenticated and convenient for the students. Education is the essential need for the individual in day to day life. One is respected according to their highest qualification. Education is the backbone of the future generation. So, that education is needed by 5he students.

“Specially talented students”

Many students are specially designed by God. if the exam is conducted usually, they can write their exam with the help of a guide. But if the exam is conducted online or offline it is difficult for such children. So, it is better to conduct the usual way of the exam.
Though these children are especially talented, they had the talent to exhibit. Such talented children are they. The talents should not be getting wasted at anycast. Good and comfort education should be provided for the better growth of each and every student.

“Home as education place”

Even though this hectare situation the government has thought about the education system. They have given us a great and prestigious time to study for our final exams. They have provided us with materials to study. For the welfare of the students, the teacher will arrange distance learning for the students who are at home through a network. Universities and Institutions of higher professional education are requested to offer online lectures.

The websites include more than learning resources as well as links to sites. College students are also provided to do their internship online instead of going directly. Many companies have come forward to provide internship to students. Educated parents also make their children study in their homes. Government has also announced there are no exams for all small classes. Students are asked to do their assignments through their online and submitted on time. Even there are many Other benefits with digital classes especially promoting students to choose a flexible learning place and the ability to learn anytime from anywhere.

“Healthcare courses and institutions”

If a student is on a work placement the healthcare institutions decide whether the student can assist with patient care and without compromise. Students also have the opinion to tell the healthcare institutions that whether they want to end their clinical placement. Medical and Healthcare courses that involve university hospitals, general hospital and I healthcare institutions form a special category. If a clinical placement or any other activities is cancelled they may still work at healthcare institutions as a student volunteer. Some staff who teach healthcare-related courses at universities and institutions also have their jobs in healthcare.


In the emerging and ever-changing COVID-19 universities should implement measures to slow down the virus. Student and staff should receive regular information through email and intranet. Proper counselling services should be provided to mental health and well being of students. Faculty members should pay careful attention to students to make learning rich and famous effective.

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