Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s upcoming sports drama ‘83‘ have been in the news ever since the poster came out. Be it its poster, teaser or trailer, the film has been in discussion for many reasons. The direction of the film and its cast are being praised. The film and its makers are once again in the discussion, but this time the film is being discussed for the wrong reasons. Legal troubles are increasing for Deepika. A case of alleged cheating has been registered against the ’83’ actress and the makers
Deepika Padukone is opposite Ranveer Singh in this film. Along with this, she is also its producer. According to an India Today report, a UAE-based financier has reportedly filed a complaint against the makers that his company was promised good returns by Vibri Media after investing around Rs 16 crore, but they were not Got what was promised.
The businessman approached the Andheri Metropolitan Magistrate Court in Mumbai and filed a complaint. The report said that the financier’s investment was divided into several deals involving filmmakers Kabir Khan, Sajid Nadiadwala and Deepika Padukone. It is being said that this money was used in the production of ‘83‘ without taking written consent from the financier.
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