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Covid toes in kids and young adults, new symptom of coronavirus infection

According to some dermatologists from Europe and US the cases of inflammation in toes, similar to frostbite have seen a sudden surge among kids in Covid Hotspots since March and the doctors have named it “Covid Toes”.

This condition may be on one toe, or all of them, or on the top or bottom of the foot. Some children having these symptoms have been tested positive, while some others have been tested negative as well, however, all of them were able to recover weeks after the first signs. Doctors from American Academy of Dermatology have recommended testing to such cases for Covid19 as and when they come to knowledge, however, doctors don’t need to panic if this is the only symptom that is visible, but the doctors need to document and keep track if any other symptoms also develop. Coronavirus is increasing because of its presence in the asymptomatic patients. Sudden loss of smell/ taste or pink eye are some other atypical symptoms.

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