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Lucknow University proposed psychological counselling for quarantined people

Living below quarantine with fears of a probable COVID-19 infection can be disturbing and this has led the State Health Department has started imparting counselling to those in hospitals and remoted in homes.
District mental fitness counsellors are following up thru telephonic counselling aside from regular observe up by surveillance groups, said Jawaid Akhtar, Additional Chief Secretary (Medical Education and Health and Family Welfare).

Lucknow university has decided to help the police personnel who are under stress during the lockdown conditions. An agreement was being signed between the university administration and the police department on Friday.
Professors of the psychology department will get in touch with the police personnel deployed at the emergency response service 112 of the state police was said by the University officials.

Due to the ongoing lockdown, the workload of the police deployed at 112, has been increasing. They are connected to people struggling in the lockdown without food. They are dealing with usual crime incidents also. A senior police official said due to this work pressure police personnel are put under stress.

As per the agreement signed between police department and university administration, the professors will help the police personnel who are over stressed due to long working hours who deal with personal risk and emotional trauma each and every day during this time. Dr Archana Shukla will be the coordinator of this programme from the department of Psychology.

The university has started the online or telephonic counselling for the students suffering from mental disorder to help them during the lockdown.
The experts say that people with mental issues face several difficulties in the lockdown. The LU is offering its services by providing them with right information and emotional support.

Teachers of the psychology branch are presenting counselling services to the ones suffering in any way due to the isolation, experienced in the course of the essential duration of self-quarantine in fight towards Covid-19 outbreak.

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