As per the meteorological department’s reports, they have warned the people on Sunday that the severe cyclonic storm would reinforce on Monday which is expected to impact the certain parts of the south bay of Bengal and major parts of Odisha region. In regards to this, the India Meteorological Department instructed the people staying in keonjhar district as well as the mayurbhanj district in Odisha regarding the cyclone Amphan. So, the national disaster response force has sent a team of 10 people to Odisha and seven people to west Bengal to manage the damages caused by this cyclone amphan as they are working with the disaster management team of the states to control the damage caused by the threatening cyclone.
The national crisis management committee has advised the fishermen not to proceed towards the area of the coast till Wednesday i.e. 20th may’2020 for their safety purpose. Moreover, the crisis management team has organized a meeting with the cabinet secretary of the respective state to review over the consequences arising from the cyclone as they are targeting to save the lives of the maximum number of people residing in both the states.
Due to Amphan cyclone, both the states i.e. Odisha and Bengal have been put on high alert and have been declared as a yellow zone by the weather department. As per the meteorological department, a yellow alert zone is that particular area which is going to face severe cyclone, so before that within 48 hours in advance, it’s been declared as yellow alert area whereas an orange alert warning is been issued 24 hours before the arrival of the cyclone.
As per the weather forecast team, they have told that this cyclonic storm is likely to start from the north to northeastwards and then will move very fast towards the northwest bay of Bengal and will cross the West Bengal and Bangladesh coasts area at the faster speed highly affecting the areas. Moreover, the coastal part of the Odisha is going to experience heavy rains at the isolated places whereas moderate rainfall at many places from Monday evening onwards i.e. 18th May’2020. So, the team has requested the people who are out in the sea to return to their home by 17th May’2020.
Weather body has also stated that the high-velocity wind of this cyclone amphan may cause extensive damages to the mud house and partial damage to the dwellings which are been built of substantial material. Also, the bulletin report stated that these winds can also result in bending of the communication and power poles and can cause extensive damage to the standing crops, plantation and orchards.
Home Secretary of West Bengal area told the reporters that the entire state machinery is already prepared to deal with this kind of damages caused by the severe cyclone amphan. Moreover, they also mentioned that the national disaster management team is already available for rescuing the people from this severe cyclone and already prepared a plan by their operations team to provide relief to the people.
Director of IMD department told the media that this severe cyclone will be going to affect majorly the parts of northern Odisha and the coastal districts like Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, Bhadrak and Balasore are likely to face heavy rainfall along with the winds coming at the high-velocity speed majorly on 19th and 20th May’2020 and also address the media that these winds can intensify into a severe cyclonic storm causing major damages to the areas of West Bengal then moving towards the hatiya island situated in the Bangladesh region on 20th May’2020 in the evening with a wind speed of approximately 165 km/hr.