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Despite lockdown, 100 gather for the religious congregation at Rajasthan Dargah


In a shocking incident, 100 people gathered for a religious congregation at the Rajasthan’s Ajmer Dargah as the country struggles to adhere to the lockdown guidelines. Later, the Police had to use mild force to disperse the crowd and contain the situation.
India is a week into the 21-day lockdown that is being projected as the country’s best bet in containing the epidemic that originated in China at the far end of 2019. Despite strict measures and an appeal by the Prime Minister, one cannot say that the lockdown is being successfully implemented. There have been videos circulating in social media about people’s unnecessary mobility in big cities.

100 gather at Ajmer Dargah

In Rajasthan’s Ajmer, as per the tradition, a chadar is offered every year by the Khadims of Ajmer Dargah to the dargah in Sarwar. The tradition has fallen into a place in the calendar when the entire nation is under lockdown to contain a virus. Over 100 people gathering in one place during a medical crisis is nothing but a brewing place of a biological bomb.

Action takes place

The event had police permission from the Superintendent of Police, Ajmer, Kunwar Rastradeep. However, the permit was only for five people and later the rest of them joined in at the Sarwar Dargah. The police reportedly asked them to vacate the place and only after their refusal that the police were forced to use mild force to disperse the crowd. Six people have been arrested under Indian Penal Code Section 151.
This comes at a time when the security officials are tracking the people who took part in a Tablighi Jamaat congregation in Delhi. Tablighi Jamaat Congregation has become the hotbed of the outbreak in the country after six of them died in Telangana after attending the congregation.

Instructions given

SP, Ajmer, Kunwar Rastradeep said that Ajmer police gave permission to five persons for this purpose but later many others joined them in the Sarwar dargah. According to police sources about 100 people had gathered at the dargah. When the police asked them to vacate the place, several of them objected and confronted the police. Later, police dispersed them using mild force and arrested six persons under 151 (arrest to prevent cognisable offences) of CrPC.

Twenty-four people who attended the religious congregation at Tabligh-e-Jamaat’s Markaz have tested positive for coronavirus, while 1,548 have been evacuated and 441 hospitalised after they showed its symptoms.According to police sources about 100 people had gathered at the dargah. When the police asked them to vacate the place, several of them objected and confronted the police.

Barely a day after the curtain was lifted from the Nizamudding Markaz in Delhi, bringing in light, hundreds of members inside the masjid, about 100 people gathered for a religious congregation at a dargah in Sarwar town of Rajasthan’s Ajmer district on Tuesday following which police used mild force to disperse them. It is to be noted that India is still under the 21-day lockdown announced to counter coronavirus outbreak.


The people are affected those who were attend that meeting are secured and maintaining their health. So all the people are requested to stay at home.

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