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Donald Trump Says China Doesn’t Want To See Him Elected

President Trump of the United States has said that China “will do anything they can” to make him lose his reelection. The president said this in a white house interview after he said that Beijing will face a lot of consequences from the US. President Trump says he believes Beijing wants the Democratic candidate Joe Biden to win the forthcoming election. The election is scheduled for November 2020. The president said he believes Beijing wants Joe Biden to win in order to ease the pressure of US-CHINA trade restrictions “They are constantly using public relations to try to make it like they are innocent parties”.

The president confirmed all these reports in an interview with Reuters. The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said to reporters “The US presidential election is an internal affair, we have no interest interfering in it”. Adding that “we hope the people of the US will not drag China into its election politics”. Currently, the US economy has been drawn into a very deep recession following the coronavirus pandemic as more than one million Americans have been infected due to the virus.

The Chinese spokesman also said that China was not an accomplice as they themselves were a victim of the virus and that the US was only trying to shift the blame due to their poor handling of the virus. “The enemy is the virus, not China,” he said. The president had also suggested that actions could be taken against China for not containing the Coronavirus early enough. Current polls show Trump losing out to Biden. “I don’t believe the polls, I believe the people of this country are smart and I don’t think that they will put a man in who’s incompetent”.

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