The Delhi University Teachers” Association (DUTA) and Its students opposed ‘open Book test’ and called it discriminatory and unfair.
Teachers and students have criticized the Delhi university’s decision to hold the PG and UG examinations in ‘Open book’ mode mean online tests which are decided by Delhi university If the covid-19 situation does not become normal soon.

The ‘open-book test’ is an online examination in which student would allow to get help from their books, notes and other study materials to answer the questions.

Under this, Students will have to download the question papers of their respective course from the web portal sitting at home and will have to upload the answers within two hours.

That’s why Delhi University Teachers” Association blamed the system of holding online exams discriminatory which would put a large section of pupils in anxiety.

DUTA also wrote a letter to the vice-chancellor of the university and expressed their disagreement with the move.
It is not viable for such a large university to take these types of decision as It has a diverse population of students. We demand the pen-paper option should be given to all student,” DUTA said.

It also suggested that the university should give the degrees to students based on their CGPA of five semesters.
The Executive council member of Delhi university Rajesh Jha along with some members have also written the letter to the vice-chancellor over the issue.

They said’ If universities like DU will do such types of things It will give bad impact to the students and Its the devaluation of the degree.
with this, They also warned about Internet connectivity and cybersecurity issues while taking online exams.

The Indian National Teachers Congress(INTEC) also opposed this system students and teachers are never trained for this process of conducting exams in our University,” said INTEC convener Pankaj Garg.

Garg claimed, About 45 per cent of students are from outside Delhi and They had gone to their home during semester break without taking along their books and notes.

Also, a student from Jammu & Kashmir does not have access to the Internet. All India Students Association (AISA) had recently conducted a survey which showed 74 per cent of students were against holding of online exams.

On social media AISA holding a campaign #DUAgainst online exams.

NSUI(National Students Union of India) said the first and second-year students are promoted for their previous semester performance and the final year students should be evaluated on their past scores and should be given 10 per cent extra marks.

Until now,The 60,000 petition have been filed by students.

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