Home » Trending » Tamil Nadu Govt says, ‘All govt offices to function with 50% workforce’

Tamil Nadu Govt says, ‘All govt offices to function with 50% workforce’

The Tamil Nadu government gave a new order related to every government office in the state. The order will come in effect from 18th May.

The order focuses on increasing the working staff to 50%. Earlier, it was imposed that only 33% of the staff would be allowed to work to prevent further spreading of Coronavirus. Therefore, this new order is focused on increasing the working staff strength.

This order will be followed from the first day of lockdown 4.0. The employees will be divided into two batches and each batch will work for two days. The first batch will start from Monday and Tuesday, the second batch will take Wednesday and Thursday and then again the first batch will take on Friday and Saturday.

Each batch will be alternating like this after every two days. They will be working on Saturdays too, to cover up all the days they missed in earlier lockdowns and will help in getting back work on track.

The government has also considered the fact that since the transport system has also been mostly shut down because of Covid-19, it will send vehicles to help the staff travel back and forth from work to home.

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