Home » Trending » Finance ministry says, “there is no plan under consideration to cut the salaries of central government employees”

Finance ministry says, “there is no plan under consideration to cut the salaries of central government employees”

The Monday report stating the cut in the salaries of the employees of the central government was straight away denied by the finance ministry. it was being said that as the economy is creeping through the pandemic of coronavirus the plan to do so has been in the thoughts of the finance ministry.

It was the news channel that claimed to be sure about 30 per cent cut in the salaries of the central government employees. The denial came after the report itself.
Their report stated that the lowest rung employees and the contractual staff will be exempted
from the pay cut. To which the tweet from the ministry’s head came as” there is no such
proposal under consideration of the government for any cut whatsoever in the existing
salaries of any category of the central government employees.

The ministry added that the reports are false in some sections of the media industry and
truly have no basis.
Jitendra Singh who is the Union Minister, also tweeted to the news and urged people to not take the news seriously and ignore it completely . “there is no proposal by the government to carry out the deduction of the salaries of the employees.

However, the centre had temporarily frozen the dearness allowance of its employees which are 4.8 million in counting and 6.5 pensioners at the rate of 17% till 1st of July,2021 to fractionally offset the increase in the spendings in health in the light of coronavirus disease pandemic that has put the entire nation and the globe to fight back.

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