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Google announced the relief fund for all the small and medium sized publishers worldwide including India


Google had announced the relief fund for all the small and medium sized publishers worldwide including India.
Google had the high ratings and market in this digital world. Many documents are included in base form. Everything is digitised and nothing can be replaced. For getting information, what is the way?
One will take a Google into consideration within a second. we were getting the information from the place is a only because of Google. Thanking technology for providing such an invention in this digital world.

“Humanity based”

Google is providing the relief fund for all the small and medium sized publishers worldwide. It is done on humanity based. clemency is the act of every individual. Recently every one is suffering to support the financial crises. This act by Google will encourage the people and also make the market increase. Humanity is human nature in which every thing comes out of humanity. One should be strongly accept and encourage the act of Google on humanity based.
it has the greater advertising for the smaller publishers.

“clemency lead a man to live the life to fullest”

“Increase rating”

Now a days only few are interested to learn many new things, rest of the individuals are wasting their tes in social medias. Youngsters are the role model for future generations. But there are moving back of social medias. The youngsters are not willing to learn new things, their are completely lack the learning ability. To get information one will turn towards Google. As the standard of Google is reduced. During this lockdown, Google makes the use and announced the relief fund for the small and medium sized publishers worldwide.

“Functioning worldwide”

Google is multinational operating system. As it is functioning worldwide it’s rate will never be stepped down of the land. One will take a Google into consideration within a second. we were getting the information from the place is a only because of Google. Thanking technology for providing such an invention in this digital world. One should be strongly accept and encourage the act of Google on humanity based.


Any are suffering financially due to the outbreak of Covid-19. They was the National wide lockdown, many are suffering for daily wages. Now as the lockdown is extended, The Google are provided with an offer. Many publishers are working under Google, as it is standard. To increase the funds it play a vital quota. As it is extended, to divert from social networking, the Google had announced the funds for publishers. But earlier Google will rate the publishers according to the viewers and value of work they produce.

“Work schedule in this quarantine time”

Because of this announcement, any will put pass their time by working under the publishers. As this is the worldwide network, it provides the job in this boring schedule. This was the big deal now a days. Publishers are ready to give the valuable information and it became the good deal for them.


First of all, It is our duty to thank technology. Technology had played the vital role in individuals life. Man had completely depends upon the technology and moving back of it. “Nothing is impossible.” In ancient day it’s suite the individual, now a days it is applicable to technology. Nothing is impossible when it move to the hands. It has given the best to world and we are enjoying. To hear the word ‘ India is developed’ Technology should be in high. Everything depends upon the one word technology. Act of humanity should be appreciated. And even in this their will have the key play. Multiple information technology had arise but nothing can be in standard of Google. Information technology.

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