Home » Technology » Google is developing it’s own virtual debit card to compete with Apple

Google is developing it’s own virtual debit card to compete with Apple


Google had the high ratings and market in this digital world. Many documents are included in base form. Everything is digitised and nothing can be replaced. For getting information, what is the way?

One will take a Google into consideration within a second. we were getting the information from the place is a only because of Google. Thanking technology for providing such an invention in this digital world.

“Humanity based”

Google is providing the relief fund for all the small and medium sized publishers worldwide. It is done on humanity based. clemency is the act of every individual. Recently every one is suffering to support the financial crises. This act by Google will encourage the people and also make the market increase. Humanity is human nature in which every thing comes out of humanity. One should be strongly accept and encourage the act of Google on humanity based. This was 5he great act of an Google. This leads to the greater achievement of online platform.

“Apple is in trend”

In many well known institutions, Paytm wallet are used in the form of smart cards. The institute had announced the students to use the Paytm wallet to pay they fees. It was the great step taken by the institute. It should followed without any reason. Because this the students are trained then it has the greater change in the society. Then slowly everything will get changed. students are the backbone of future generation. Paytm service will help everyone in safe hand. This Google card will affects many online services such as Paytm.

“Multinational service”

Google is multinational operating system. As it is functioning worldwide it’s rate will never be stepped down of the land. One will take a Google into consideration within a second. we were getting the information from the place is a only because of Google. Thanking technology for providing such an invention in this digital world. One should be strongly accept and encourage the act of Google on humanity based.

“Other service”

Many of the online shopping uses Paytm service has it is convenient for the owners. Now they was the National wide lockdown and many are not getting the proper food. During this time, no one can go out in such cases online Shopping is required. So, Paytm service is also important. One should realise and make use of service.


Mobile Phone are present in every hands. If one has advantage it will also have disadvantages. Disadvantage are also should be considered. Technology affects the peace in world. Many small living organisms are destroyed because of the radiation comes out from the mobile phone. Ecosystem is damaged. Birds has it role to be played in the world. It also created to do favour for ecosystem. When it is killed by technology, its role is stopped and affects the entire normal functioning of ecosystem.


First of all, It is our duty to thank technology. Technology had played the vital role in individuals life. Man had completely depends upon the technology and moving back of it. “Nothing is impossible.” In ancient day it’s suite the individual, now a days it is applicable to technology. Nothing is impossible when it move to the hands. It has given the best to world and we are enjoying. To hear the word ‘ India is developed’ Technology should be in high. Everything depends upon the one word technology.

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