Today is Ranbir Kapoor’s birthday, and people all over the country had made sure they post about it on social media. His family and co-stars had all shared some adorable pictures of the actor with them. This gave us some good flashbacks and also we couldn’t stop awwing over some.
The first one to wish was Neetu Kapoor, the mother of the actor. She shared an adorable picture with him and posted on Instagram “Happy birthday my Heartbeat. Love n blessings in abundance”. He looked so good in the picture with that chocolate boy smile.
Of course, Alia Bhatt’s post stole our hearts and also broke some as they are now spending a romantic gateway in Jodhpur. They had been spotted in the airport the day before, and the fans were going wild about it. Bhatt’s sister, Shaheen Bhatt posted a picture of Kapoor with Alia’s cat Juniper. This showed how close they are.
Ranbir’s co-star in “Rockstar” had written a long post about the actor “Circa 2010, a magical morning on our Rockstar sets in Dharamshala. Happiest Day of Birth to my first ever & finest co-star. Eternal KUDOS to you for tolerating & guiding a tiny little 13-year-old me who had never stepped foot on a film set before & for showing me the endless possibilities of what true love for our craft can be. Between the 2 of us, at the time, only you had the conviction that this is what I should be doing for the rest of my life when I’d be thinking about when & how I’d be able to finish my homework amidst shoot.”
However, what stole the show was Arjun Kapoor’s throwback picture where they all were in their youth. He wrote “This picture only reminds me that I need better pictures with the birthday boy… @aliaabhatt I think you must do the needful ma’am…PS – Also just realised my confidence at 21 knew no bounds just see my chest flaunting abilities.”
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