Mumbai, Feb 4 (PTI) Actor Sonu Sood will be seen hosting the new season of the popular reality show “MTV Roadies“. The makers have announced this. Actor and VJ Rannvijay Singha had announced his departure from the show a day back. He was associated with the show for 18 years and during this time he appeared in various roles like contestant, host, coach. Rannvijay had said in an interview that he will not be a part of the new season.
According to the press release, the 18th season of the show will be shot in South Africa. At the same time, Sood said in a statement that he is very happy to be a part of the show. Sood (48) said, “MTV Roadies is known for its thrills among viewers across the country, with different types of ‘tasks’ being showcased in each season. It emphasizes the importance of mental and emotional stamina, which attracted me to host the show.” Its shooting will start in South Africa from the second week of February.
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