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IAS officer in Delhi Government tests positive for Covid-19

Coronavirus has claimed millions of lives worldwide till now. According to reports, India has surpassed Spain and has become 5th worst-affected country of the World in coronavirus cases.

Since the past few days, news of many IAS officers contracted to the virus are being heard. Recently, one such case from Delhi came in the light where Defence Secretary Alok Kumar, a 1985-batch IAS officer, tested positive to covid-19. He was spearheading in the fight against covid-19 in India.

The area of South Block on the Raisina Hill complex where his office was located has been sealed and being sanitised amid fear of virus spread. Many top ministry have also refused to attend their office.

According to the report, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also has not attended their office. Further, ministry is investigating for contact tracing and disinfection of offices has been started.

According to the report, an officer came in contact with 30 people over the last few days and all those have been quarantined. He was active on social media till 1 June and used to tell people about the government initiative to contain the spread of coronavirus.

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