Home » Trending » Indigo rolls back pay cuts for employees in April Salary Says Indigo CEO

Indigo rolls back pay cuts for employees in April Salary Says Indigo CEO

The aviation industry has hit gravely amid the pandemic coronavirus. The indigo CEO, Ronojoy Dutta informed the employees that the airlines has moved back with the pay cut for the month of April earlier on Thursday. Prior to this, they were told about the compensation cut and now the rolled back is a result of the government’s claim on soliciting not to cut the wages from employees.

“The Executive Committee members and senior vice presidents have volunteered to take pay cut this month. For everyone else, you can expect your April salaries to be paid without the pay cuts”, included Dutta in the email which he sent to employees, which has been accessed by news agency Press Trust of India.

“In deference to our government’s wishes of not reducing pay during the lockdown, we have decided not to implement the previously announced pay cuts during the month of April, he further added in the email.”

The lockdown has come to activity since March 25 due to the coronavirus outbreak. In this way the incomes have descended in aviation industry like any other industry. Both domestic and international flights were halted.

The CEO on March19 told their representatives about the pay cuts in the month of April and further said he would himself accept a decrease in salary of 25percent because of the Covid 19 which influencing the revenue seriously

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