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Italian Government easing the travel restrictions imposed due to Covid19 outbreak

The Italian government has resolved to gradually ease travelling limitations imposed due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the country. From Monday, citizens will be allowed to move inside their regions and between regions from June 3.

International travelling to and from Italy will commence from June 3 onwards, confirmed the government.

Italy had thrust upon nationwide lockdown during early March after the country was hard hit by the novel coronavirus. It was the first country outside Asia to have a major upsurge in the number of coronavirus cases.

The country has experienced more than 31,000 fatalities till now making it the third one with the highest death count after the United States and the UK. Since the rate of infection and deaths have finally dropped and the curve has flattened to a certain extent, the Premier Giuseppe Conte government has decided to provide relaxations and resume operations slowly and steadily, after two months of lockdown.

Factories and some businesses have already started their work, though strict social distancing protocols have been implemented in these economic sectors. Educational institutions will remain closed and public gatherings are not allowed. But people can attend Mass in Churches from next week following government restrictions.

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