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Italy’s Covid-19 Cases And The Deaths By This Outbreak Both Experiences A Hike

In Italy Corona virus cases and deaths have suddenly experienced a hike. More cases are expected in Italy as the situation swiftly evolves. The authorities in Italy are identifying contacts of infected person’s. They have also announced measures for public health and mass gatherings. Italy is one of the countries that has suffered the deadliest outbreak since the virus came out. A compulsory lockdown was imposed by the Italian government on its citizens except to go for food, work and other essential activities. In one day about 6,000 new cases were reported with about 627 deaths.

Corona virus was first confirmed in Italy on 31 January and since then more than 47,000 cases with about 4,000 deaths have been reported. The lockdown imposed on Italy by its prime minister Giuseppe Conte was supposed to end on April 3 but the time limit has been increased and now only pharmacies and groceries stores are permitted to operate. Lombardy is the worst hit region in Italy. In Lombardy citizens were told by the authorities to wear face masks and that anyone who floats the order will be fined for €400. The health care system in Italy is also being affected as they are shortages in medical equipments. In Italy, more than 175,000 people have been fined already.

Measures have been taken in Northern Italy to curb the spread of the virus, those that tested positive are retested in the ISS before being confirmed as Positive cases says the Istituto Superiodedi Sanita, 46 doctors have died in Italy already arising from the pandemic. In Rome Italian police had to fine those outside without good excuse and check documents.

Italy’s president Giuseppe Conte said “We will slow down the country’s productive engine, but we will not stop it”.

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