Home » Trending » Italy’s Death Toll Now Starts To Decline After Covid-19 Claimed Thousands Of Innocent Lives.

Italy’s Death Toll Now Starts To Decline After Covid-19 Claimed Thousands Of Innocent Lives.

Italy’s death toll concerning the Corona virus pandemic has declined after claiming thousands of life. Even with the sudden decline in death toll Italy’s government do not plan to lift the social distancing and lockdown anytime soon. Italy reported declines in it’s death toll on Sunday. More than 175,000 people in Italy have been fined by the Italian police for breaking rules. Spain has also recorded a decline in the number of deaths.

The number of reported deaths was 525 which is the lowest number of deaths since the 427 reported in march. Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte had told his country that social distancing was the only way to defeat the pandemic. Before the decline in death toll, Italy was one of Europe’s Nation hit the hardest by the pandemic, compared to 4,805 cases the new confirmed cases were down to 4,316. France has also recorded a decline in deaths “Our response may not be perfect, maybe but we have been acting to the best of our knowledge, Today I see that our model is implemented by other countries and its validity has been acknowledged by the World Health Organization , Italy’s prime minister said.

The Italian government also plan on new measures to provide liquidity to companies most affected by the Corona virus pandemic. Italy is currently heading towards its fifth week in lockdown and many believe the lockdown is the reason for the decline in death toll. The number of patients in Italy’s intensive unit fell by 74 people on Friday from 4,068 to 3,994. With Easter holidays approaching many fear that Italians are flouting the country’s shelter -in place order. Italians have not had to leave their homes, bars and restaurants have been closed down as Italians have been on lockdown for four weeks.
Equipment shortages has continued to disturb Europe’s immediate response to the pandemic. France’s government announced that it will invest £3.5bn in health products. In California, in the past four days the number of intensive unit patients have increased times three. Johnson Hopkins university reports that the pandemic has infected more than 870,000 people world wide and killed more than 43,000. Italian government are not sure as to when the lockdown will end as they advise their citizens to “stay at home as much possible. Do not go out”.

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