Bollywood Queen Kangana Ranaut visited Nathdwara from Udaipur and appeared for Shreenath ji’s Rajbhog tableau on Thursday. Tanu weds Manu actress arrived at Dabok Airport Udaipur by charter flight. From where she reached her private hotel in Udaipur.
Kangana visited the local market of Udaipur and shop for two sarees and a salwar suit. Kangana visited Shrinath Ji temple and sought blessings for her upcoming film Thalaivi. At the temple, the actress got surrounded by her fans and admirers. She greeted them and also took a selfie which she uploaded later on her social media.
Kangana has visited ‘The lake city Udaipur multiple times. Maa Ambika’s temple is also built near Udaipur who is also Kangana’s Kuldevi. The destination wedding of Kangana’s brother Akshat also took place in Udaipur. The revolver rani is being seen in a Maroon bandhani printed salwar suit. She paired it with a Rajasthani styled ‘matha patti’ and a golden choker. The actress completed the look with a matching maroon lip colour. The bold actress is loved by the audience for her fearless opinions on current affairs.
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