As the covid cases are on decline many are arguing to open theatres in Mumbai. As Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut looks forward to the release of her much-expected film ‘Thalaivi,‘ the actress asked the Maharashtra government to revive theatres within the state. Based on the life of late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and actress J Jayalalithaa, ‘Thalaivii’ is due to hit the screens this Friday. Saying that COVID cases are on the decrease, she wrote on her story to reopen theatres. The actress character composed, “Cases in Maharashtra have declined. Requesting Maharashtra Government to #OpenUpCinemas in Maharashtra and save the dying film industry and theatres business.”
The film is about a famous actress turned politician J Jayalalithaa, who later turned out to be the most influential politician in India. The character of J Jayalalithaa is well played by Kangana Ranaut, which can see seen in the film trailer, released five months ago. Thalaivi puts forward the untold reality of Amma’s life on screen. The film is directed by Vijay and produced by Vishnu Vardhan Induri and Shaailesh R Singh. Everyone is eyeing the movie which is soon to be released on September 10(Friday).
Also Read | Kangana Ranaut ACCUSES theatre owners and film studios of ‘gangism’ and ‘groupism’.
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