Home » Trending » Mike Pompeo says, ‘The US is reviewing its military deployment to counter China’s threat to India and other countries’

Mike Pompeo says, ‘The US is reviewing its military deployment to counter China’s threat to India and other countries’

June 25 (UPI) Mike Pompeo, Secretary of state announced Thursday the United States has accepted the European Union’s offer to form a new dialogue to discuss the poses threat to the West by China. As he said the Trump administration is reviewing the U.S. military’s global deployment strategy to ensure it is positioned to counter Chinese aggression.

The comments have been made via video-link at the Brussels Forum, a conference on transatlantic issues run by the German Marshall Fund, stating the new U.S.-EU mechanism will discuss “the concerns we have about the threat China poses to the West including our shared democratic ideals.”

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell made this offer with Pompeo more than a week ago, in a phone call. At the time of videoconference, Pompeo marked many violations committed by China, including its “provocative military action,” against the all-around the word.

They include its continued aggression in the South China Sea, conflict of the border with India, a filmy nuclear program. he said, before detailing the Asian Nation’s human rights abuses and its “predatory economic practices.”

Pompeo said Europe, like the U.S., has been slow to see the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party to free society but is alleged hiding of its initial outbreak of the Coronavirus has “accelerated everyone’s awaking.”

In certain places, there will be fewer American resource. There will be other places- I just talked about the threat from the Chinese Communist Party, so now threats to India, Vietnam, threats to Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines. To the extent that changed the differences in what the U.S. decided to do impacts adversely a threat someplace, it may be that other nations need own defence in ways to do this in full consultation with all of our global partners & friends in Europe,” he said.

Pompeo said he looks forward to it starting as soon as possible while acknowledging there will be issues coming to a consensus on thwarting China’s ambition but that once the discussion begins “a collective judgment” will preserve and protect those very freedoms that China wants to undermine.

We are going to make sure we are postured appropriately to counter the PLA, Pompeo said, referring to the People’s Liberation Army by its initials. We think that’s the challenge of our time, further added – adverse effects may be aroused by the reformation of recourses, but that may force countries to revise their own defensive strategies.

He also said that at the direction of President Donald Trump that there has been a reconsider of the U.S. military’s arrangement over the last two and a half years, which will cause for fewer American resources to be deployed to certain areas while others will be reinforced to combat Chinese threats in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and the South China Sea.

Pompeo made the remark in response to a question concerning criticism the Trump administration has received over its recent decision to redeploy American troops from Germany, possibly exposing the European Nation to increased threats from Russia.

He further spoke that decisions were made on resources formation at a different time “but it’s usually the case that the capacity to deter Russia or other adversaries is not determined any longer by just having a bunch of folks protected someplace.”

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