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Mike Pompeo says, ‘Time for the world to push back challenge posed by China’.

On Thursday Mike Pompeo again made a huge statement against China for its transmission of coronavirus. He said that China was aware of the virus that it spreads from human-to-human before they shared this information to the world.
US State Secretary Mike Pompeo also said in an interview with Fox News on Thursday that the time has come for the world to push back against the challenge posed by the Chinese Communist Party. He also added that the “US slept on this threat for too long”.
Countries not only in Asia but also more broadly in Europe have come to know about the coronavirus and the threat that the Chinese Communist party presents.
Pompeo added, “For democracies and freedom-loving people around the world, it is an imperative that we push back against the challenge that the Chinese Communist Party presents to us all”.
“We’re working our way through, under the president’s guidance, about how to think about pushing back against the Chinese Communist Party. You see it in trade, you see it in other economic activity, you see it in diplomatic engagement,” he added.
As Bill Hammer of Fox News was interviewing Pompeo, he asked him to give his views on claims by Hong Kong-based virologist Dr Yan Li-Meng, who fled to US from Beijing and knew that the virus could spread from human-to-human.
Pompeo answered that the virus which emanated from Wuhan, China organisation itself was co-opted into the same effort to deny the world the knowledge it needed to respond to this threat.
Till now, US is the worst affected country by coronavirus with over 3.5 million cases and 137,000 deaths so far.

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