Sambhavna Seth, a well-known Bollywood actress and a YouTuber, shared two pictures on social media where she can be seen planting a kiss on Rakhi Sawant’s cheeks and in the other photo, she can be seen consoling and comforting her. Take a look at the pictures below:
Former Bigg Boss contestant Sambhavna Seth was spotted in Rakhi Sawant’s mother Jaya Bheda’s last rites, which were performed in Oshiwara, Andheri on Sunday.
Rashami Desai, Farah Khan and other celebrities attended the funeral to pay their last respects. After meeting Rakhi to offer condolences. She shared heartbreaking pictures and penned an emotional note: “I just met Rakhi and I’m left with a deep sense of sadness! Rakhi, you have my deepest condolences. I equally feel the pain & grief you are going through. Rakhi, you are a fighter and I am always there for you whenever and wherever. Guys we really need to show her all the love. She is really fragile & pure at heart. We should all stand by her side during these tough times. Peace comfort strength to the family.” Her post, however, drew ire.
Netizens trolled both actresses by writing “it was not needed.”
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