Home » Trending » New Covid19 cases emerge in New York as people leave home says, Cuomo

New Covid19 cases emerge in New York as people leave home says, Cuomo

On Saturday, Andrew Cuomo, Governor stated that New York’s fresh COVID-19 cases are mainly coming from people who step out of their homes to shop, exercise or socialize, rather than from essential workers.

During his regular press conference on the coronavirus pandemic, Cuomo said, “That person got infected and went to the hospital or that person got infected and went home and infected the other people at home.”

The number of fresh cases shown by State data has fluctuated statewide between 2,100 and 2,500 per day. On Saturday, the number of new cases dropped to 2,419, from 2,762 on Friday.

Cuomo said while last week he had theorized that new cases were coming from essential workers, “that was exactly wrong.

“The infection rate among essential workers is lower than the general population and those new cases are coming predominantly from people who are not working and they are at home,” he said.

The state’s budget director, Robert Mujica, stated that over the next week, officials expect to know a lot more about the genesis of fresh cases from contact tracing.

Cuomo stated that to trace the contacts of people who tested corona positive New York was hiring thousands of workers. As per Health experts, contact tracing is significant to isolate potentially contagious people in order to curb further outbreaks.

Cuomo mentioned that out of 10 total regions, the five regions of the state that were allowed on Friday to reopen for business operations were required to have a particular number of tracers proportionate to their populations.

“The tracing operation is tremendously large and challenging,” he said.

Cuomo stated that with a rise in economic activity, New Yorkers should expect an escalation in coronavirus cases.

“We don’t want to see a spike,” he said. “It depends on how people react and it depends on their personal behaviour.”

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