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No Relaxation for Delhities says Kejriwal as Delhi constitutes 12% cases of India’s Coronavirus cases

Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal announced on Sunday that there will no relaxation of lockdown after 20th April as number of coronavirus is been increasing day be day. Kejriwal said that the state government will review its decision in a week.

Last week Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced extension of lockdown till 3rd May. He also said there will be some relaxation in the lockdown in those areas where there are no new coronavirus cases or there is no sign of coronavirus cases. He said that some areas do not have to be hotspot or red zone.

Coronavirus cases are increasing day by day in Nation’s capital Delhi. Delhi has become the second highest number of coronavirus cases after Maharashtra with 1893 infected patients. Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal said, even though Delhi accounts only 2% of India’s population, the cases account for 12% of the total in the country. Delhi has total 77 containment zones which has been sealed to spread this deadly disease.

Arvind Kejriwal said, addressing a digital press conference “We need to decide if there should be a relaxation in Delhi. According to the central government notification, containment zones and hotspots should not be given a relaxation. Delhi has total 11 districts and all have cases. We have also held meetings with experts. The last few days have been seen a prong in total cases, we have also started doing testing more. Yesterday, we did test where 25% tested positive. All the new patients are asymptomatic. They didn’t know they had coronavirus”.

Till now Delhi has conducted 736 tests on Saturday, in which around 190 were positive. Relaxation were allowed from 20th April in agricultural and manufacture. Delhi has the largest number of foreign travelers and the religions activity like Delhi’s Nizamuddin Markaz, this leads to increase more new positive coronavirus cases in country’s nation.

Arvind Kejriwal said “I also want to give relaxation. People are facing a lot of trouble whether its rich or poor. If we give relaxation and the situation will be more worse then we won’t be able to forgive ourselves. The situation is worrying but we don’t need to panic. We need to work to reduce this. Currently, there are 1,900 cases in Delhi. If there was no lockdown, imagine the effect there would have been. Other countries are suffering because they don’t have enough ICU’s, ventilators.”

People who tested positive on Saturday is the person who was serving and volunteered at one of the government food centers in Delhi. After he tested positive, people who came into his contact are requested to isolate themselves by Delhi government.
Arvind Kejriwal said “When we spoke to one of the persons who tested positive, he said that he was helping in one of the food serving centers. We have ordered that people who come to that food centers, they go through the rapid testing. We will also test all the officials who are giving out food in all the centers.”

On Saturday, over 25 members of a family who stay in the same lane in Delhi’s Jahangipuri tested positive. This lane was a one of the parts of 77 containment zones.
Till now there are 16,116 confirmed cases in India, of which 2,302 are recovered and 519 are death. The highest number of state which is infected by this deadly disease is Maharashtra. Over 3,651 cases are confirmed, of which 211 are death. After Maharashtra nation’s capital Delhi is infected by Covid-19. There are total 1,893 confirmed cases, of which 42 are death.

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