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Odisha priest kills a man to perform human sacrifice to end covid 19

A 70-year-old priest in Odisha’s Cuttack region supposedly murdered a 52-year-old person in the premises of temple to play out a human penance to end the coronavirus pandemic announced the police authorities.

The accused has given up himself before the police and admitted in the killing, a senior official said.

Athagarh Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Alok Ranjan Ray told the news associations that, “Ojha asserted he had gotten a request from the Goddess in his dream to play out a human penance to end the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The occurrence occurred at the Brahmani Devi temple in Bandhahuda town in the Narasinghpur police headquarters region on Wednesday night, Ray stated, including the expired has been distinguished as 52-year-old Saroj Kumar Pradhan.

Local people, in any case, guaranteed that Ojha had a long-standing question with Pradhan over a mango plantation in the town, another cop, R B Panigrahi, said.

Police don’t accept the charged case that he played out a human penance to conciliate the goddess and to shield humankind from the COVID-19 pandemic, or that a 70-year-elderly person could alone murder a 52-year-elderly person, the official said.

An axe was used to seize him, and the body has been sent for post-mortem.

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